Proletarian Art of Storytelling (1920) In this short article, which was published in the first issue of Proletarier (October 1920, the original can be found in the file below), Franz…
Manifesto of the Workers' Group of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) - Gavril Miasnikov The International Communist Current's (ICC) translation of left communist Gavril…
Under the Red Flag to Soviet Russia This is the first part of a translation of Franz Jung’s reminiscences in relation to the II Comintern congress and his stay in Russia. The…
Socialism - Sylvia Pankhurst Article by Pankhurst describing her vision of a socialist society. The article appeared in the Vol. 10 No. 19 (28 July 1923) issue of the Workers…
What Socialism Is Not - Sylvia Pankhurst Article by Pankhurst describing what socialism is not, in which she emphasizes the importance of worker councils as the main instruments of…
The Compulsion for Revolution This is a translation of an article by Jan Appel. Originally published as “Der Zwang zur Revolution” in Die Aktion (X), No. 35/36 on the 4th of…
The New World (II) The following is a translation of an article by Pannekoek. Originally published in Arbeiterpolitik no. 9, from the 1st of March 1919, it focuses…
The New World This is a translation of an article by Pannekoek. Originally published in Arbeiterpolitik no.52 (12/28/1918) and no.1 (01/04/1919) in two parts as “Die neue Welt”, it focuses on the…
The Wilsonian Program The following is a translation of an article by Pannekoek. Originally published as “Das Wilson’sche Programm” in Arbeiterpolitik no. 50 on the…
The Socialism of the Socialist Government In this article, which was originally published as “Der Sozialismus der sozialistischen Regierung” in Arbeiterpolitik no. 50, on the 14th of…
The Beginning The following is a translation of an article by Pannekoek. Originally published in Arbeiterpolitik no. 47 and 48 (in two parts) as “Der Anfang”, on the 23rd and 30th November 1918…
New Tasks The following text is a translation of an article by Pannekoek. Originally published in the 47th issue of Arbeiterpolitik as “Neue Aufgaben” on the 23rd of November, it focuses on the new…